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           Heaven, Husbands and Hormones                   I'm sharing my thoughts on these topics with you because I am still learning even after forty years of marriage and parenting. As I grow stronger in my faith, my marriage and in my roles as wife, mother and grandmother, I will share these little "pearls of wisdom" with you on the blog page.

hello + welcome!

A wink is a non-verbal way of communicating with others and has many different interpretations.

  • We wink when we are teasing someone.
  • A wink is used to thank someone or can also mean “you’re welcome”.
  • It can let others know that you are happy to see them.
  • It can also mean “I love you” or can be used as a sign of approval.
  • Sometimes it’s a secret that has a hidden message between two people.

As I visited with a friend of mine who is a priest a few weeks ago, and he told me that he enjoyed listening to the eulogy that I wrote for my mother-in-law for her funeral. I told him that I had asked the Holy Spirit to speak through me as I wrote it. I prayed the same prayer when I wrote my father’s eulogy as well as my husband’s.

I mentioned that I was surprised and humbled by the comments that I had received about how these eulogies had touched other people’s lives. I explained to him that I knew that God was behind the writing that I had done, and I felt that I should not be the one being complimented because it was God who inspired me to write them. When I was finished telling him all of this, he looked at me and said,

“That’s a ‘God Wink’.”

As soon as he said that I immediately smiled. I had never thought of God winking at me, but now I’m convinced that He does. It is His way of reassuring me that He is in control of a situation, and He’s got me covered by His love.

After the priest told me about the “God wink”, I thought about all the times that God may have winked at me in the past. It could have happened when I was complimented about something that I had done, and I knew that it was all because of God that I was able to do it. It may have been the numerous times that I was reminded of His love this past year after losing my husband.

Perhaps God winked at me during the times when I was in awe of the natural beauty of the artistic colors of the fall trees, the sky at sunsets or sunrises, or maybe it was as I held a newborn grandchild in my arms for the first time. It was those times where I was speechless and didn’t have anything else to say except for “Thank you Lord.”

Regardless of when it happens, a “God wink” is a beautiful reminder of His everlasting love for us. It’s a reminder that we can do anything when God is watching over us. The next time that I feel that God has winked at me, I will know in my heart that only God and I know the true meaning of that particular wink. I will also know with absolute certainty that God is here, and He has taken care of everything.

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